Resume Market Test

Resume Market Test

Get the most out of your resume experienceNo matter how good a job we do initially – and we will do a very good job – we will have only worked together for 5-6 hours.
We offer a unique opportunity to get feedback on your resume from your own network and incorporate that feedback into your resume.
These are people who know you well, who know your work, and can provide critical insights.
In addition, having your resume vetted by people you know and trust should give you confidence in in the quality of your final resume.

Between Session 2 and 3: Conduct Market Test

Send your resume to 3-5 trusted associates and friends for their feedback using the Yellow Brick Path resume feedback methodology.

Session 3: Refine the Resume

Review feedback from market test, decide what is relevant and incorporate it into the resume.

Call Us Today!

Dallas 214.526.8690… Ask for Paula

Payment is by credit card or cash
A non-refundable credit card deposit is required
when an appointment is scheduled and applied to the total fees for services

The entire fee may be paid in advance or half
when you schedule your first session and half 30 days later


Comprehensive Program

Includes an Executive Resume
4 Working Sessions
Cover Letter Design
Internet Ready Resume
Link to your LinkedIn Profile


Executive programs include the new book by Paula Asinof and Mina Brown
BE SHARP: “Tell Me About Yourself” in Great Introductions and Professional Bios

Executive Comprehensive Program

  • Introduced in Sessions 1-3 and completed in Session 4: An executive resume alone is often not enough. You may need other documents to complement it. Your resume, bio, business card, and cover letter comprise a professional package for presenting yourself.
  • If you are an executive or senior professional, you also need a bio. Yellow Brick Path will help you develop one that focuses on “telling your story” and helps you get attention
  • If you are employed and exploring job opportunities, a bio is a must to reduce jeopardy associated with your search
  • If you are in transition, you also need a professional business card that is consistent with your resume and bio
  • If you are engaged in a job search, you need a cover letter to send your bio and resume

Executive Resume Comprehensive Program

  • Executive Resume
  • “Personal Press Release” bio
  • Cover letter and special Yellow Brick Path email transmittal strategy
  • Job application strategy
  • Professional business card design, if needed
  • And more… depending on your personal needs


Get the Most Out of Your Investment with this Premier Comprehensive Resume Program

Professional Resume Writing When You Need to Make an Impact